If you’re a brand, make it your New Year’s resolution to either 1) launch new products with better packaging or 2) invest in better packaging for existing products.
Case in point:
⬅️ On the LEFT side of this image is the packaging for an after-alcohol aid from Cheers.
The box itself is playful and topical (it has the word “cheers” translated in many languages.
Inside, there is a:
1) Quick start guide which explains how to use the product and cross-sells the rest of the brand’s products; and
2) A fun little fact sheet that summarizes the impact of alcohol on the body from an academic study.
This product retails for $34.99 on Amazon, or $2.92 per serving.
➡️ On the RIGHT is a competing product from Flyby.
When you order this product on Amazon, all you receive is the jar inside of a standard Amazon mailer.
This product retails for $32.97 on Amazon, or $1.65 per serving.
Which would you rather buy?
PS: Clearly I’ve been a happy Cheers customer and heavy Cheers user )holidays, amirite??)