My rank of CTR Factors in Order of Importance.
Images have the best chance of getting a fast click without mental thought.
The price can impact which 2-3 similar items a customer clicks on.
Reviews have a heavy influence, but I still put it 3rd to images and price.
From here we see a big fall off.
Title at 4th. Stuff it for SEO.
Promos can help.
Prime Badge at 6.
Amz choice at 7.
1 Image
2 Price
3 Reviews
4 Title
5 Promos
6 Delivery
7 Amazon's choice
♻️ Repost this to spread the hashtag#CTR gospel
🗳️ Vote in the comments what you think should be ranked higher?
P.S. I believe hashtag#clickthroughrate is the MOST important factor to focus on in 2023 to grow Amazon sales.