Font choice & color psychology can make or break your business.
Don't believe me? Here's why: 👇
Check out this recent poll on PickFu for a trash bag holder.
⤷ Notice anything?
1. People like font that is EASY to read.
⤷ Do not use heavy script or hard to read fonts.
2. People like pattern interrupts in color.
⤷ If the SERP shows white/black bags, blue bags stands out.
Also, blue bags resonate with eco-friendly avatars who recycle.
The elements on top of the trash bag holder can be swapped/changed to see which one resonates more - but the fundamentals are there.
→ Font choice
→ Color psychology
Are you selling a product on Amazon that has writing on it? If so, I would love to hear how this tactic has worked for you.