AMC + SP Audiences are now visible in the Ad Console 😊
Now you can:
1. See the AMC Audience associated with a Sponsored Ads Campaign
2. Compare its performance to the “non-audience” portion of traffic
3. Adjust the Bid Boost being applied to the Audience
The image shows the performance of my first test run with this, where I was only running a 100% Bid Boost (hence the abundance of mixed traffic between the Audience and “All Shoppers”) – don’t take these numbers too seriously…
While I don’t believe this feature is going to “transform” an account, I am very confident that this will accomplish two things for all advertisers:
1. Fine-tune the Sales Funnel/Customer Journey
2. Help advertisers to “Tell the story” more vividly that before, with the ability to report on this fine-tuning
Rather than just running standard efficiency-based Keyword Campaigns, we can now isolate the customers for that Ad to just focus on, say, the Loyalty part of the Customer Journey – we can target shoppers that have ordered 2 times in the last 60 days and have not yet done an SnS…
Now imagine these audiences being added throughout the account – this will create a greater level of granularity for both performance AND reporting – hence my two points above.
One interesting thing to factor in here: Placement performance is still a thing. This means that Top of Search performance will now consist of performance for both the added AMC Audience + the Non-Audience… Just be mindful when combining Placement increases with Audience Bid Boosts. 😎
Here I discuss the step to create and add an AMC Audience to a Sponsored Ads Campaign:
And here I discuss the initial rollout of AMC + SP:
Need help getting started with AMC? Feel free to DM me!