Heck yesssss! 💪
Budget rules just got major upgrade!
We had tested budget rules and while we find them useful, we never used them at scale.
Because they were a PAIN!
Each rule had to be created, set and managed manually inside campaign settings.
Hard to set-up, easy to forget, hard to deactivate.
By the way if you don't know what budget rules are, I'll explain.
Campaign budget rules allow you to increase your campaign budgets at either certain hours of the day or during a specific date range (like Prime Day)
Or if the campaign hits certain performance metrics like return on ad spend (ROAS), advertising cost of sale (ACOS), click-through rate (CTR), or conversion rate (CVR)
These settings can be very useful if you know how to use them.
However you need to check and adjust often, which just wasn't possible before.
With the high potential something to go wrong and the difficulty of testing at scale we've not been using budget rules much.
But with this new update things are about to change 🙌
I've talked about how budget and bidding rules are awesome, but how we don't use them because there's no scalable way to manage.
Looks like Amazon is listening