🚨 Amazon Introduces New Fees 🚨
Did you really think that Amazon was being serious when they said that there would be no new fees in 2025?
If you fell for that, you are either really gullible or new to selling on Amazon.
Look, Amazon is greedy. They have always been and always will be. We can whine about it or we can digest the updates and adapt. You don't really have a choice so let's dig in.
This change will really hurt small sellers and slow-moving inventory. Say goodbye to mini shipments going to 2 locations.
Overall, this change increases fees across the board and really punishes smaller sellers.
💡 "What should I do?"
For most, this means a tough but necessary decision. Kill off those slow-moving SKUs. For some of you, this might be a slow color. Amazon is going to continue to obsess over sales velocity. They don't want stale inventory and they most definitely don't want small sellers.
Sorry, no hack to address this migraine!
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