ANOTHER new lever to pull for optimizing bids! We now have the ability to increase Amazon Business bids. 🙂
If you advertise products that do well on Amazon Business, then this will not only give greater granularity to your Amazon Business performance in reporting, but will allow you to optimize towards the unique performance that Amazon Business offers.
How I would initially approach this is relatively simple:
1. Create Campaigns that focus on Amazon Business Store
2. Include only Targets that do well with Amazon Business – don’t go very broad here, and keep the number of Targets per Campaign low
3. Use starting bids that are roughly 1/10th of your average CPC
4. Adjust the Placement Modifier for Amazon Business, setting it to 900% (a 10x increase)
5. Increase Bid if you are getting no Impressions
The goal here is to isolate these Campaigns to only serve Impressions to Amazon Business Store, and the fact that it is only one Placement to focus on makes it a lot easier.
One thing to ALWAYS keep in mind when trying to incorporate Placement Modifiers into bid ops – Amazon may or may not honor the Placement increase – it depends on Amazon’s opinion on the likeliness to convert…
Here’s the link to the docs:
Other recent levers to pull for bid ops:
A great cheat sheet for those really into bid ops:
Thank you, Amazon Ads for all these great revisions 🙂