Let's say what you really conclude is I need to I need toe change my packaging, right? I mean, the main image could only look so good if you can't, you know what I mean. Like, there has been times where we've changed. The packaging changed our main image before the new packaging got in. And it wasn't the end of the world. It wasn't like every single person returned the product, so I'm saying you can do that. If that makes sense, you can change main image and then you still even Maybe on your bullet, you say, like, Hey, um, the packaging is whatever. You make some caveat, right? Um, but you thio change your main image. Sometimes it means so. I think it was on your podcast. Might have been on another's where three. ASIO. Those guys were like they will go in and change the packaging on a product and, like scale it hundreds of percent. Um, like that's one of their tactics, right? And the reason is is because of this main image, because the packaging, the way your product looks, is a huge part of what it looks like on the page. Going from going from a photo to a three D render or going from this angle to a little bit of a different angle, or adding the box or adding a shadow. They help those things help, but it really comes down to What does your product look like?
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