Oh, why not? You know, I mean people purchase things for two reasons, one from receiving a recommendation from someone they trust and to price point. Um, and influence you can really knock that out. Uh, two birds, one stone at the end of the day. It's someone that a lot of people trust, You're giving somebody a cloud over a given audience that you're looking target. Um These are people that can serve as your brand ambassadors, your flag bearers into these communities you're trying to acquire as your customers and then they can be the people that communicate your value, add your price point, whatever your competitive advantage is, the one that, but even more importantly in my mind, I'm sure we'll get into it uh in depth today is there's a massive, arbitrary opportunity right now when it comes to influencer marketing, if you go about it in the right way in which these people don't quite understand their value as content creators at this time. Um They think that, you know there when people think of influence marketing, they think of hyped up price for feed posts, which I agree with you there inflated. Um, but there is a way to go about this through what I'm sure will also dive into through influence receiving, where you can get a lot of content almost just about free of cost, um, to be able to repurpose it across your own distribution channels, where that's a lot of the value and influence the market right now, them as content creators will dive in just how you as a brand owner can do that internally for yourself today
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