First and foremost customers want to see more from you from brands. So we create a website because we want a home for our customers to discover you and your product range. Also, though, to discover your why now answering simple questions, like why does this brand exist? Why should I not just buy from this brand, but more buy into this? And within my mountain strategy, I refer to what I call brand touchpoints. Every time a customer or a prospect interacts with your brand. It's a touch point, right? And you're responsible for building a connection with them with each of those touch points, invoking emotion at each. And I've done an A-plus deep dive before, which goes into this and examines it further. The second big touch point though, is the storefront. Now I've put them in this order. At the point of writing and the point of speaking, because most transactions at the moment are happening on the detail page on the listing. Although we now can convert customers right on the store page, which we'll talk about later. So therefore they're becoming a lot more important as we were able to do this. And this is John to storefronts driving conversion rates, which obviously drive orders up in value as well as order frequency up directly from the store, which in turn drives your flywheel pushing products up the sales ranks. As obviously your product rankings improve your increase, your organic visibility. You get more page views for those top keywords, your sales go work, go up. And that flywheel kind of kicks into action. So it's really valuable when it comes back to that first question, why create a storefront? Because if we optimize the storefront, we make it really, really strong.
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