Seconds to that would be probably validation. I think this is something to me people skip. And they take their life savings or their savings and what they look to do is- Right, I like this product. I've asked a few people. If they like this product, have asked my mom, she's giving me the thumbs up. The girlfriend, who pretty much thinks I'm brilliant whenever I come up with an idea she doesn't that's not true. But for argument's sake, some partners will say they're brilliant minds. Unfortunately, too honest, they only ask a selection of people who aren't necessarily the target market. And they don't really put it to the test and get any data behind. That's the idea. So if you look at Kraft Heinz, for instance, they don't ask five people in a small little committee. If they like this new sauce, they will test it on thousands of people and get lots of detailed responses and have some hard data behind it based on their target markets. So the second portion would be really investing time and money in validating it, looking to run a little bit of Facebook towards, and it can be small amounts of money. You could spend 50 quid and send traffic towards it and see how many people you get go yes. You could also then spend time doing the Facebook group towards as well, see how many people give you their email. Yeah, just try a few different things.
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