Yeah, So for a costs, um, that's another key factor that we're always watching for advertising. And if we look at what it cost is measuring, it's really what? How efficient is your ad spent? Um, the key thing that I think people miss is that there's a number of factors that impact your costs overall. And so if I compare different categories, say if I take supplements versus specialist computer equipment, um, a great cost say I'm getting like 30% in supplements and average around four supplements is 40 to 50%. I can begin a really good a cost on the supplement side for the computer space, 10% can be a good a cost and 30% can be really poor. And so it's really dependent on the margins that you have. And then the other key piece to keep in mind. And this stems back to the conversion rate talked to is that it's not our only goal to minimize costs, because the way that we can minimize it cost is we can focus on the super highly relevant keywords or just your branded terms. But say we want to broaden out the funnel to increase sales. Now we have to get to those keywords that may not be as relevant, but by targeting those not as relevant keywords but still relevant, we can expand our overall sales. But you may have to accept a higher a cost to get it just because those keywords don't convert as well. And so the key thing is this. Constant trade off between advertising sales between overall sales and what are the costs is and really we're trying to strike the balance between the two, where we want to broaden the funnel out to the point where it makes sense. We want to be as aggressive as we can on the keywords to where it makes sense. And then our cost target is a factor of that. And so you never want to just say Here is my a cost target and I'm sticking with it because I feel like this is good. You should always be doing testing on broadening out the funnel and then at the same time testing these different levels by adjusting bids and seeing how sales volume response.
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