And the biggest threat without a shadow of a doubt, is it's your product. Be coming commoditised without a shadow of a doubt in my mind, you need to have a unique message you need to have, like something that sets your product is different from somebody else. You could be a 1,000,000 trillion trillion% sure best. There are no unique products in the world anymore. Everything can be replicated and built. If you buy a shoe from, you know, Nike or Adidas. Whoever it is, you can buy the exact same bloody shoes down the marketplace. I don't even need the Amazon record place. I mean, down some fella from dodgy geezer flag a knockoff. But the reason you you pay it is because of the brand name on DH. That's not gonna necessarily be the same for everybody else. But there are other messages that you can think about, like, What's your sustainability like? What gonna work you doing on diversity where your profits going? Are you giving something to charity? People love all this kind of stuff because our own personal sense of kind of social responsibility it has really kicked on over the last couple of years. These air really key messages. If you're doing this kind of thing, don't keep it to yourself. Tell, you know, you talk about this. Used the enhanced brown content. Let them know that who is buying, who is selling the product and what's important to you as a business. And if you can do thus on difference, you're safe yourself from the other people who are selling. You know, cheaper replicas are replica versions of your product, and that's really, really important.
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