I'm gonna have t r horn a little bit here because this is something that we've been, uh, pushing for about over a year now on that's education and supply chain. Uh, I think that is the biggest risk to most online businesses. Actually, most businesses want to do things as usual. They want to run with this just in time manufacturing, uh, business where they have something being manufacturer. They have just enough inventory. Toe lasted until that manufacturing run gets to the warehouse. Right? And a lot of businesses don't wanna have that carrying costs associated with their inventory by using something like a three pl or having their suppliers hold inventory for them. Um, but even though they are costs, uh, they're not necessarily, uh something that's bad for your business, their investments into mitigating your risks. And that's what we're all about here, actually. So I think it's educating yourself with what are your options and what risks are are my is my business actually taking right now on? And I think when a business actually analyzes their supply chain, they'll see that they're taking tremendous risks by solely relying on Amazon FDA by Onley having just in time manufacturing done by not having that additional inventory by Onley using one freight forwarder, um, about having I mean something that I've heard a lot more recently For some reason on Maybe it's just targeted towards me. But I've seen a lot more people, Uh, except a supplier based QC report. And the supplier was the factory will tell them. Oh, yeah, We're gonna do the QC. Don't worry. Don't worry. Don't worry. Uh, well, that's that's actually a main cause for concern. You know, if they do QC on let's say your new seller and you don't wanna pay $200 to a QC third party inspection company You just wanna just have qc done because you hear that you need Keesee. Well, now you're gonna get those products in the Amazon. Now you're paying FDA fees. Now you're going to start to get returns and reviews once our reviews for any products that actually failed QC and you would have caught that while it's in China on That's a risk, right? That's a risk that our business is willing to take. So I think education and supply chain is one of the most important. It's I think it's most important. More important than PPC. It's more important than, uh, inventory management. Just inventory management, because I understand the marketing is important. Of course, on advertising is important. Uh, but if you have a risky supply chain, your supply chain just completely craps out. You're not gonna have any products to market on That's what we saw in 2020 I think. Because of co vid.
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