When you're starting a company, if you can cover the bases right, I kind of often differed a sort of sport analogy. You know, who are you going to get out on the field and who are really require right to make up the team? I think you need to have a founder who's gonna have the big Why the wh y I mean, there's there's nothing bigger than that. And that's what's gonna drive you through all the headwinds that you're gonna, you know, be running into you needed. I believe you needed in house art Director. You can absolutely outsource. You know all your content. But I'm a big firm believer that that art should be in house. You need an operations person that you're talking about. CPG like us. You're moving product in and out. You need somebody is handling that. Although the founder could do that too. It depends on band with And then you do need a sales person again. Also one of those things that oftentimes could be in the founders hands. But again, it's all about being with and how quickly you want to move out the gate.
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