one of the big changes we'll see an Amazon logistics is you know, they've been catching up and catching up to ups, um, and FedEx over the last, you know, 56 years, and I think they're going to surpass that. And so, um, as you know, I'm sure that the key to transportation is density. You know, you can talk about all kinds of different things, but the way you bring down your costs and the way you get to scale of density. And so you know, Amazon has, as in the UK, does I think like 90% of their own packages delivery and in the U. S. They're getting towards that. I read something that said, Maybe they'll do 87% in 2020. That's, you know, somewhere between five and 10 billion packages ish. But the Internet continues to grow. Amazon continues to grow, you know, sort of broadly Amazon. And the e commerce grows a 20% and so they just become more and more. Um, we don't like the word dominant, but if you come bigger and bigger, um and you know, what we've already seen is they've added support for third party merchants as well as people who are unassociated with Amazon in the UK. I'm not close to that, but I see posts on it in Lincoln eso I expect they had a pilot going in the US until, you know, until Cove it started and they shut that down. But I respect that to pop back up and you'll see Amazon being a package carrier not just for their own stuff, but for everybody. I think that's the That's the headline.
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