But as soon as the competition or the bid of that is going up because, you know, this uh paul and sally or whatever the name for you came up with. Soon as they've got multiple options to go to and they can play them off against each other. I mean that's a bidding war. You are now at an auction house, you no longer have control over. And I think that's really, really dangerous for the model that these companies have. So either they'll be pivoting on that model over time or like you said, there would be someone that will be like, is actually just gonna, you know, cost us less to acquire the biggest companies in the space and just have one and you might still have small aggregated or whatever. But that's going to be much more difficult for them to get their name out to the ports and Saudis of this world so that they know that there's a, you know, a new agriculture space you really want. And it happened in the advertising world as well, like most media agencies around by 22 massive conglomerates. Right? So that might be the case that there's actually multiple brands behind it. I don't know. But all I see is that is supply and demand curve and the supply of aggregators is going up. Right?
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