Transportation is a very simple thing, right? You have to pick up back in somewhere. You have toe, get his dense around, it's possible, and you have toe, you know, deliver the package. And the key to that is things like the cost of the cost of delivery is all about the cost of driving, right? It doesn't take you very long to get out of your truck, walk up to the doorstep, ring the doorbell and leave a package. The cost is in the drive. The time between those stops because you don't get paid, you get paid for the stops. You don't get paid for the driving on DSO if you can shorten the drive time just like they've shortened the pick time with Kiva robots in the warehouses. But if you can shorten the drive time, uh, you're going toe your economics get way better, and in order to shorten the drive time, you need more density. And so, if you want to know one thing about transportation, you want to remember one thing about transportation is density, and then the second thing is density. And the third thing is density come. And so that's why it makes total sense for Amazon to start picking up the merchants packages and start picking up people who are not associate with Amazon's practice and become a really carrier.
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