some of my favorites would be looking at lifestyle audiences that Amazon provides where, Let's say someone, um, someone is buying diapers or something like that, somebody that tells you a lot about what their life is. If someone's actually buying diapers monthly, then there's a whole lot of other products that they might want to be served right. You can make up in idea of some things that they might need in their pantry or in the closet or in their bathroom in their kitchen and, um, just being able to look at, you know, lifestyle audiences in market audiences. That's another beautiful one where, let's say somebody is hunting for a product that they just can't seem to purchase it. They can't. They haven't made a decision. Um, and I can say that I someone's looking for a protein powder and they haven't purchased one. But there they continue to be looking, and it's, you know, why wouldn't I serve them my product? If I have a protein powder and just all that, there's a bunch of different examples. You know, if if I want to relate it more to search people who are used to PPC, I can simply take what your best selling product is and say anyone who's looked at my product in the last 30 days but didn't purchase it, I want to serve them and add three times a day
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