So, uh but you know, you look back at Ben and Ben's, you know, like many amazon sellers, you know, worked worked hard at his brand. He's, you know, it's taken in now, What is he going on? About five years selling gym logbook, four years or something? Yeah, thousands of thousands reviews at number one. Um, you know, his category doing super well that timeline is going to get so much shorter and shorter when you're thinking there's gonna be people and like you said, from, you know, from operations from actually agreeing crisis for products with producers and manufacturers to amazon advertising, you're going to have just a souped up version where the margins, the biggest it can be, then they're probably going to layer on a deep sea layer. So you know, all these brands that they're acquiring, they're probably gonna have deep sea sites or some sort of email list, which they can then use to promote the other brands as well. Direct traffic to the new listings as well. It's gonna take no time to get to number one. In comparison to what we would conventionally say. It's like uh when we were on the F. B. A floor amazon or whatever, you would say, you know, if you're going to launch a product is gonna, you know, at least a year for you to get Number one already, pressure to be best in the category. That's just gonna get lower and lower and lower. And, you know, if you have an email list or socials or whatever, you know, D. C. Or for the other brands, let's say they are selling, I don't know, resistance bands. And they want to bring out kettlebells, you know, using that resistance band uh brand. They can essentially use the email list, say we've launched a new product, then direct lows of traffic on their cattle bell listing. Start generating those of sales through their amazon's gonna recognize it. That, you know, the algorithm is going to start saying they're directing external traffic to an internal listing, which they love. They love it when it's in traffic to an internal listing and loads of people are buying it. The conversion rates through the roof. We the algorithms going to pump it right? And then when you add on advertising dollars on top of that, it's just that this model that you just can't really compete on as a small business.
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