So how do we think about this scalability with qualitative data? Even if we do, just look at our website how is that scalable.What So I don't want to talk about my software today, and I want but I'm just gonna give you, like, the framework of it without mentioning because I don't like to speak about, you know, So put it like this. You have You need your Google analytics. Of course you need Hajjar, right? You need a software that collects customer data that also is connected to an MP s. Um, you know, software and the promoter score software, and you also need a customer support software. So this is like the whole ecosystem I land on your website. Google Analytics. Tra attracts me. They know where I come from, right? And then if you have Hajar, you can see my activity on the website. If you do use a recording. So this is, like already zero party data collected, right? You see what I'm doing? What I'm going. Whatever. Whatever you add, some surveys I really encourage encourage people to, um, start the whole buying process even before the person buys and ask questions like, Why are you here today? What are you looking for? That's very precious data. Zero party data, which is the best. You know, thing you can do if you want to think about pre purchase. So I end up on the product page I buy. Great. What I would do is this on the thank you page when you pay and whatever, I would send a nice survey, right? Or, uh, what I wouldn't send it. And this is, uh this is something I'm encouraging a lot. I wouldn't send it from a marketing perspective. I would send it from a customer support perspective because customer support people are the most under used folks in e commerce right now. So if you get a new customer, if you get Giuliana accustomed to Jim from customer support from the first time & jim is being super helpful to me. You already start building habits, right, and you attach You are sort of creating the retail experience on your website by having a helping hand. So you have customer support already in your team instead of them leaving them just to reply to tickets and think about them as a cost center. You should think about them as a revenue center because they are. So once the purchases done, send a survey on the thank you page and as them did you find what you're looking for? Are you excited about this product. Did you find the website experience easy and most people will respond right? Because when you buy something, you are in that euphoria, right? And you will respond, especially if it was good and especially if it was bad. The people that don't respond are usually the neutral ones that don't really are like whatever. I don't care, and that's normal. Like you. You don't have to expect that everyone is going to respond to this, but do it from a customer support perspective.
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