So, I often say to people like sometimes it's even more important to them even speaking to me first is understanding that I can give you all the advice, but unless you've got a brilliant content, it doesn't really matter what I tell you. I could give you the perfect little flow to go through the perfect funnel, the best way to get reviews and all these sort of things. But if you've got a dreadful content that people land on your listing, and they just don't want to buy it because it's not compelling enough. You haven't invested in your graphics, your copywriter whatever the case may be, then you're never going to convert anyone. If you can't convert anyone, you could have all the other things in play, you have the best operations, the best customer service, you could have the best Facebook campaign, an expert on Amazon advertising. None of that matters if you can't convert that customer, so, entirely agree with that digital asset piece
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