So it's It's all about relationship when it comes to terms. When it comes to pricing, it's all about how can you improve efficiency? But when it comes to terms, it's all about relationships with number One thing that you can do, uh, is stick to your guns and be honest when you're talking to your suppliers at all times on DSI it as a two way street, that there are going to be the good times and there are gonna be the bad times. It's completely inevitable. If you do it long enough, you're going to run into issues, right? The ones that don't run in issues. Typically, it's it's you haven't been in the game long enough. That's just, you know that's gonna be the case. It's all about how you handle that issue. Eso if the factory, let's say, made the wrong color and they shipped whole container of the wrong color to you, are you gonna point at the factory and wag your finger and say, Hey, you messed up. You have to fix this. Give me better this. Give me better that take all my items back or are you going to say, Hey, okay, how can we fix this together? You know, I understand. I can't sell these, you know, Can I liquidate them? And then I'll use whatever I liquidate for the next order. And then you have to give it to me at cost or try to find the solutions with them. And I think not enough businesses, particularly as they're growing, use that opportunity. Uh, instead, they use it as a again wagging the finger, you know, right, And that zbig opportunity missed. When you do that, as you grow with them, they're gonna want to give you better terms as they see the larger volumes when they start to see Hey, you know, they started off with 500 units over the past year. They've grown 200%. They're expecting to grow, and I know it's a 203 100% over the next year. I understand this is affecting their cash flow, you know, telling them, telling them all of these things, while at the same time not just saying. Hey, I don't have the money to finance my order. Uh, it's Hey, I want to take this as an opportunity to grow and to grow with you not to grow with any other supplier I want. I would like to give you the business because you've been treating me good. Um and so as you sort of grow with them, make sure that you highlight the times that they do a good job. The times that they do a bad job find a way to work together through them. Um, and you know, at that point as you grow, you could start toe sort of incorporate the conversation of I know we're working on 30 70 terms, but I have this new opportunity to, let's say, expand onto Shopify and I need an additional 5000 units, uh, for Shopify. But right now I'm really hoping to expand into, let's say, net 15 terms after paying 50% up front. Uh, and you know, they'll see that as an opportunity for them also to be able to produce more items and as long as you've paid on time as long as you haven't tried to strong arm them in the past Asl ong As, uh, you're nice to them. I guess this is an easy way to say it. Uh, you're cutting out all the flush. As long as you're nice to them, you treat them well. I think there will be more receptive to hearing, uh, you know you need better terms so you can grow.
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