you can make the ads as long as they get passed by the creative team at Amazon. You can You can make the ad look like it's straight from your own website or something that you would put in a magazine or wherever you do other marketing. Um, what's funny is that in my experience, the best performing creatives are native to Amazon, meaning that you don't go create a special creative just for this DSP. You actually use what Amazon already has kind of built into the system where you say, Here's my ace and here are my bullet points or my review or whatever you want. A feature in your creative and Amazon will make a creative for you that looks like it's from Amazon. It looks and feels like it should be there on Amazon, where, as someone might see a bright blue and green creative that's been made custom and the digital team might love it. And, you know, the whole branding and marketing team might love it, but a customer might think it's going to take them away from Amazon, or they might not trust it. And we see a lower click through rate on those non native looking at. So I'm all about testing out different creatives, Um, but so far that's the results I've seen.
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