And it's this just popped into my head because I just heard my dog bark downstairs. If you if you were selling Hey, if you were selling a pet product, for example, something that cleans the dog's paws say, for example, you think you're thinking to yourself what hike? What can I actually write about this thing? All it does is clean my dog's paws, and you think that's kind of the sticking point. You're like, There's only so much I could do with this content wise, how could I put content every week that's related to this on? The answer is, you don't have to you, your audience or a bunch of people who are absolutely obsessed with their dogs, so you're content for most of the time, we'll just be dog related. It doesn't have to be anything to do with what you're selling, but you're always there as the person who posted it. And you know that, though they can always go back. Teo, whatever it says in the in the bio, the link to your site or all that kind of stuff. But you know, just once every couple of weeks there's something that's directly related to what the product is you're selling. But everything else is stuff that that audience will actually resonate with its stuff. You know, videos of dogs or videos of competitions you've set up with dogs running to catch something and just little things. They're different.
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