our biggest, our single biggest focus or last couple years has been on advertising, and I would still say it, given the growth of the even, given the growth of they've seen over the last few years. There's still a lot of growth in that, you know, in sponsored products, there's a lot more growth in sponsor brands. Uh, Amazon itself is coming out with new features every day in all of these, you know, placements. And so even if you have a established advertisement, you know, advertising campaign on Amazon for for all of your products, I think it's still be good to go in and review those and see what else has come out. What's new? But what sponsored display campaigns can you create to help with the additional placements for your products? Um, I would say that that's still my single biggest driver when I when I look at brands internally and I would recommend that for anyone trying to look at a holistic look at Amazon.
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