I want to give you our entire process George. Well, step one is falling up for usage rights. That's step one. Um And even break that down further, a non aggressive way to get these people nine out of 10 times a grant you to usage rights is as for usage rights for 30 days, specifically instead of perpetuity or other words, you know, forever owning their content. Um, as for 30 days, um it's just less aggressive. You're more likely to get usage rights for those 30 days and 30 days is more than enough time to test if this piece of content will work within your at account. Um and then after 30 days it has go back to them and actually at that point say, hey, you know, we love to actually purchase this piece of content. We've really enjoyed it and love it. We love to work with you in a more expansive way. It's not going to cost you any more than $500 if it's somebody that has less than 100 50 K. And following. Um, and you could even start, You know, the negotiation $150 for that piece of content And then just go back and forth, but never have we seen someone asked for more than that when you start the relationship in this way. And at that point again, over the course of 30 days, you've made a lot more money than $500 and it's obviously been a piece of content. There's really one for you and to help scale your at account so that someone usage rights and that's a little bit about how you could go about it and how we recommend doing it um for 30 days and then into perpetuity and making that transition instead of just trying to get it right from the jump secondly, we use a tool called Mighty scott. We don't take screenshots or screen recording on our iphones of these videos being posted about the brands. We use a tool called Mighty Scout, that's M I G H Y T Y Scout dot com. Mighty Scout, basically, this is a phenomenal platform in real time. It aggregates all the profiles that are mentioning your brand that are tagging your brand, you can input any hashtags, any at signs of the brand that you're, that you own, that you're working with clients for us. And it basically just collects all the content real time that's being posted on behalf of this product or service that you're sitting or you're gifting because again, within our process of seating were not contracting them to a specific date to post. Right? And so without that post date, we don't know when they're going to do it. So this basically is a social listening tool that collects and aggregates all the analytics around these organic influencer post. But even more importantly in the most valuable piece of this tool is I'm able to download that content right there from the platform itself, um, and then I can reformat and nine by 16 1 by one. These are just facebook ad placement optimization, um, formats and then we out and then we also captured all the video content as well before getting it live in the ad account in a specific way to help scale our efforts there. Um, so it's an incredible tool. It's like a dollar per head that you input into the platform itself. So if we have 100 people that onboard onto our seating program that say, Hey yeah, we'd love to receive the product or service that you're gifting us. We input those 100 user names onto this tool and it costs us 100 bucks right somewhere around there, tops. It's like 1 57 150 bucks. So super inexpensive in comparison to, you know, getting usage rights and then asking the influencer, can you send this content over us? That's an extreme hassle. There's a lot of back and forth there. It's like pulling teeth, trying to get an influencer to send us their constantly, then repurpose into paid ads. This is incredibly effective. Just make sure you get used to the rights to do so.
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