I've always tailored. I've tossed her Valentino building a brand and different things we would look at and finances aside. We want to look at products that would be extremely passionate and that have a lot to do with our lifestyles, which is very like, outdoorsy and things like that in that category and a lot of the really strong categories on any of us. I think influencer marketing is doing really, really well, but it's not being done well within the agency's. Um, I think that there's not a lot of talk around like, Hey, I need to go to this influence or this influencer That's still kind of a murky world. There's no leading agencies that are like connecting people with influencers. But I would probably spend a lot on influencer marketing because I think that ties in one, the advertising aspect to the driving external traffic and then three, the branding and the brand loyalty. That's what influencers are great at influencing people to purchase your product because they're using it in their own lifestyle. So I always think that would be a great asset. But I want to do that with wonderful branding in general, which so it's like what I spent on influencers. If I don't have great branding know, so maybe split between the duke. It is
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