Yeah, I think it's obviously you and I both know features typically are going to be rolled out in the US first, and that's always been the case when I was in Amazon and, lot of our audience within the Academy are UK based, and we'll continue to educate them on what's happening in the U. S. and, there's a bit of upset when I say, Listen, there's this new feature called Bundles at the moment, but it's not available to us yet, so we don't really care about that right now, but I think it's so important to know what's coming. So it's A+ launched in Australia for you to know exactly what A+ is. Know what makes good A+, Know why A+ is important and have essentially the modules. They're ready. So as soon as it's there, day one click, you're implementing it and you're capitalising on the opportunity, and it's again, another lever is that marginal gain that I always referred back to. So if you're getting distracted by catch, for argument's sake, and you are making more revenue from it and you're not keeping your ear to the ground with Amazon. When these little launches come out like A+, I think it's called A++ or A+ premium. When that released recently for some vendors like they're jumping on it immediately. And they're going to see such great results from it and they're building up that flywheel on Amazon. And once it gets to a certain point like that, Amazon's choice badge you've mentioned. Once you've secured that, it can be quite difficult to take it away unless you got very deep pockets.
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