If you don't know how to spend your money, you can quickly waste that. It's like me wanting to start Facebook advertising to make more money for myself and drive more traffic and just going at it with 10 grand. Sure, I may get some traffic, but it could cost me £100 an email instead of £2 on email, because I've got no idea what I'm doing and that's so important that if you go at it and you're not educating yourself and, you don't know what to do. You can quickly burn through that cash, and you know it's fortunate perhaps as you were when you started where you can make mistakes and it doesn't cost quite as much it did before to get that traffic. And you could do a lot more of organic and you could build things slower. Now, you need to be a bit more aggressive in order to ramp up the same sort of pace that you ramped up five or so years ago.
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