Ah, lot of people are missing this trip a little bit, given the content that I'm seeing at the moment. So a great example of what you just said there with the cat stuff is company called Power about how I called out recently. They had obviously got a range of different products for your different fitness needs and based on the outcomes you wanted based on the Exide, you're doing what I think they did very, very well with their storefront, and people feel free to go have a look. Is there breaking down the different types of trainer? So, for instance, cycling running Jim on then with cycling one, they were breaking down the different components of your three hour piece of exercise to go when you may consume each of their products. So I think that play of being mawr educational does build loyalty like you, said Mike. But also just incorporating MAWR of your products into their life is only gonna help you with that previous discussion of how to build sustainable success. Um, and it's just different. You're creating a different experience than what other brands are doing right now, like there's some beautiful storefronts out there. How many of them are educational or a lot of them just pay pretty and, secondly, pleasing. How many of them are going here is how you could incorporate our food in your diet differently. If you've got these issues like your glucose intolerance or whatever the case may be, I think that's where it gets a lot more interesting and exciting and fun. A za Brando
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