And that's that's overall sales volume, isn't it? It's not. We're not just focusing on the impact of your advertising sales. You're looking at that overall impact to go well. Our ad sales are going up and it's costumes a little bit more of the cost is going up a little bit. But are reviews are coming a little bit more at the moment because we're making more sales over here? We're getting more relevance because people are clicking those ads and going from converting. Telling a nine algorithm that were relevant products were going up the rankings, which in turn is getting a small organic sales. So you're looking at all of these factors coming into it, and I think for most of your clients when you're having those first early conversations and perhaps a lot of those prospecting calls. I have it a lot as well and most overall kind of strategic conversations you have. They're obsessed with these figures, are you finding everyone on your side of the fence is exactly the same. Just going alright. What a cause can we get? It needs to be below this and they're just they're not thinking outside of that box.
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