What wasn't happening in terms of innovation, in which department? And it looked like most of the household, including the kitchen. We're actually getting quite a lot of attention, but the bathroom, um, really wasn't. And on the thing about the bathroom is most people in their kitchen have, like a recycling bin and a normal been and maybe a calm pastas. Well, but in the bathroom, you typically have won bin and you just chuckle you're wasting, and if you think awful, the single use plastic in the average bathroom you got shampoo, shower gel, toothpaste, deodorant. So on. Um, there's a huge amount of stuff which just goes directly into your bathroom been and then straight in tow. Probably your your normal rubbish, and I think the stats something like 80 plus percent of off kitchen waste gets recycled, but only less than 50% off bathroom rates gets recycled. And that's already a 50% off a small percentage that can be recycled.
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