I definitely think that, you know, it depends on who the brand is and what their budgets are, but I never I would say, test conservatively initially. So if you're able Thio test some things without big investments going too big and getting little winds, that's kind of the best way to do it. Like Amazon Post is free. Um, you know some of those things that you know are no brainers because it's free, do those things and you know it's time because everything does have a cost, which is time is a cost. But you know the other thing, too. That's where you go back to your network and you go and find out who's doing this. How is it working? Is it working for them? Um, you know, literally ping them on, lengthen and ask them. I saw this. Did this work for you? Um, you know, things like that. So that's that's where it's. I think it's really important to have the share groups and the networks to ask, You know what is working? You know that that kind of stuff And that's that's where you get, you know, when you have some tighter focus groups or share groups. I'm sorry, Um, you can get that kind of level. Detailed information from folks
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