Now that awareness piece, it's kind of what we talked about a few seconds ago. If you're really understanding how that influencer works, they work right across the funnel, if you build it correctly and if you've understood your relationship, so, obviously, excuse me, I've got that audience hopefully out there on Facebook or whatever social media platform it may be. And they're then building that brand awareness for you by speaking about you to that 50K, 100K or 1M audience, whatever it may be they've got and again, you've got multiple people in place so you know that's amplified. You're then amplifying that further with all the other social signals you're doing with Twitter and other platforms. Then coming through that funnel is obviously the consideration phase that influencer has the ability to add value there by saying this is the best option for your little one a sweetheart and then that bottle at the final phase where yeah please purchase this one because out of these, out that baby shades, we saw these three best in the marketplace. And this is the one that we think is top of the pops. All through that piece, the PPC can help you drive that capability and that momentum that even better, I guess, even better you know not what we're saying explain just kind of gone cock a hoop. But the point remains, it drives that momentum rightaway through that funnel, especially when Amazon is now a paid to play platform.
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