that loose of ideas, working with a designer, Teoh iterated, not just create one image and say, OK, this is better. Let's go with that. It's It's using a sophisticated tool like pick foo that's going to survey off of Amazon. Get the data that you need within an hour, spend less than $100 then take all that feedback and rinse and repeat not just go uploaded to Amazon because you found a winning variation. It's okay now. What are people saying when we show them these three options that we think are great? We might be completely wrong in our assessment. We know there's a clear winner. Maybe, but now we're getting all this other feedback. I'll give you an example. We did a packaging it aeration where we did a poll, and 95% of respondents of the 50 respondents said that they didn't even know what the product was by looking at the photo. OK, so first of all, it's just not working, not working, period, right? So then we took the feedback that we got and we you know, obviously we did some homework and we and we understand what's missing and just from common sense. So we fixed some basics, right? We put we put a header on top of the packaging to really just say this is what this is. We added a visual of This is how it works on the outside of the packaging. Just really simple upgrades. It didn't cost a lot for this brand to go and just fix, you know. And so then we ran a second test. We brought it from the, you know, the 5% of people that knew what it was to 65% of what it waas and based off of the remainder we identified one more change we could make to bump it up another 20%. And that was that was to two tests on pick food. Probably each one cost less than $100. Then you're working with a designer to just design.
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