I said exactly the same thing in a different question though. And that was - Don't dip your toe with Amazon and it's so interesting that you again coming through it from having worked on the inside of Amazon, having understood what kind of makes the algorithm work a little bit better than perhaps some others, giving that same answer of, and this is like from speaking to Vendor Managers as well as new Account Managers on the seller side of the business. All of them are saying, you can't just dip your toe, you gotta go all in on this rather than kind of doing half a job or just trialling it or experimenting and that's so true! I remember, we always had that sat at our disposal when people used to argue, I'll give it a go of well, actually, what we find is, if one product is doing well, you've got one product on there. Even if you add 99 additional products and they don't sell a single unit, you're going to see an increase in sales on that one unit or that one SKU because the other 99 are existing and that's kind of the data behind it. It's so interesting that It's not the first thing I look at that. I think it's a very founded point of holdup. You've only actually got part of your selection on there Yeah, that's a really interesting thing you've pointed out there.
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