If you think about the last mile on you talk about UPS and FedEx and the Postal Service and Royal Mail. Um, if you look at the number of packages Amazon's going to deliver or did deliver in 2020 and you look at the number of packages that USPS and the postal Excuse me UPS Postal Service FedEx delivers, You know they're less than order magnitude away, and Amazon is growing at 20% per year. And these other guys they're growing at 3 to 6% per year on DSO in the Internet grows a 2020 25% per year. So you know, if you just do the math, you know the macroeconomic math of how many packages there each of these companies delivering this year next year, all the way through 2030. It's very clear that Amazon is going to dwarf all the rest of these Amazon logistics will dwarf the rest of these in the next few years
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