one of which is and what's the likelihood the Amazon will just create their own retail variation. This product advertise it to kingdom come on, not worry about making money because a multi multi billion pound organization has far better pricing power than I do. Within that, there's there's another manifestation of that which is competitors quite confident in this sense. But there's nothing to stop. A super low cost competitors are that's trying to imitate the product coming in, which we have seen on occasions as well. So there is always a concern there, and that, for me, is one of the reasons why we talked about this before is for some of the businesses, for for one of them, especially, I'm thinking about what that exit strategy will be. So having a clear goal for that on building towards that exit strategy is important. No, it's always better to get to get off the elevator a couple of floors below the top before it gets off the top and just keeps going and falls off the side. That's how I'm trying to get it so that planning to an exit is an important point.
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