You've got a phenomenal social marketing platform set up where you're pumping traffic light and no other from your Facebook campaigns back to Amazon, all thumbs up. You're the best teams in the world work in it, but your brand is incredibly poor and you're not able to convert that traffic. Then it's just a complete waste of time. There was no benefit in the same token. If you work really, really hard and your brand, you spend thousands developing your storefront, developing your listing is getting images and videos on a copywriters or do these things. It's a nail. Those two massive touch points off your listing on your storefront. Right? That's great. You're converse and the traffic. You're also getting organic traffic, big thumbs up. You're doing really, really well, but you're not able to stay in stock and you're not. I competitive delivery through prime, then the operational underbelly, is this going to mean your whole thing falls to pieces essentially, because it's really a matter of how good your conversion rate is or how great your advertising is. If you're not able to fulfill those orders in a timely manner and stay in stock, you're not going to be able to succeed. So that is why we need to build it in this order of operations, then brand then advertising, because if you remove the order, And say you've got great advertising, great operations. It doesn't work. You can't convert. If you've got great brand and great operations, you are then in a position you've already got that foundation things already working, and you can dial it up with the advertising. But if you have just two components, other than the bottom two, it's not going to work beautifully. And to really nail it. It's obviously all three
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