I remember I read a book years ago about a guy who who left Facebook, and he talked about the impending wave opinions in negative terms. But the coming wave us micro influencers. So you look at I think it was quick, be like the news, like they had all hundreds of millions of dollars of paying celebrities a list celebrities to talk about it, where the way you really win is going after. Find somebody with 5000 followers, you know, find somebody like use that as your influencer. It's more cost effective. People are actually more likely to actually truly care about that influence or not be a box or something like that. But if you could, I would rather take, you know, 100 influencers that have 100,000 followers collectively, rather than putting all my eggs in one basket with one influencer as 100,000 followers themselves. Because that's how ideas spread, Uh, in my opinion. So if you could do that, I think that's just a really good idea for building communities
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