Amazon has a philosophy that the very best indicator of what you're going to do in the future is evidence of what you've done in the past. So they look to the past for that evidence and to look for the past. You have to obviously avoid hypothetical questions. So they look for real evidence from a candidate's past about what they have done and the questions that they ask our behaviour based questions which I know has become very fashionable and very common in terms of interview strategies pretty much globally. And you're asking a person tell me about a time when and we're talking about earn trust in this case. So you could easily come up with a question is said tell me about a time when you fell out with a colleague, tell me how it happened. What did you do about it? And what was the outcome If you've clearly defined your earn trust concept and you know what you're looking for in terms of the type of person that can earn trust. Then when you asked that specific question you can then look for the evidence of those behaviors that you've defined as the types of behaviors that you want in, earns trust in their answer.
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