There definitely is, but it's It's certainly in the minority. I think that again and again and That's part of the reason that a lot of people and probably are apprehensive about the content thing because it's no a quick win at all. You know, it's it's it's the reverse. It's a long term game, but when you when you give it the time on DH, once you get over that sort of that initial hill of, you know just building up, so you've got enough people on seeing it, then once you get over that hill, it's it's grand. You almost. I got to a point where I decided creating content was a priority for me because I knew the impact it would it would have on the impact it's still having on once. You kind of wire that into your head that it's it's a massive part of the marketing for my for what I do, so I make it a priority every week to make sure I have time set side Teo create content for the next week, the next two weeks, whatever it may be. Once you shift your mind to thinking about that, it doesn't become the chore because for me, I've kind of set up for myself, know that it's something I really enjoy doing because it's a chance to be completely creative with a blank slate in front of me, right? What am I going to do tonight and just have some fun with it? Yeah,
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